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Friends of Holmes Run cleanup (Upper Holmes Run)

April 18, 2020 @ 9:30 am - 11:30 am

This effort is part of the Friends of Holmes Run network of clean-up events. Please spread the word to friends and neighbors!

For more information, see https://www.friendsofholmesrun.org/


April 18, 2020
9:30 am - 11:30 am
Event Category:


Upper Holmes Run
7979 Yancey Dr
Falls Church, VA 22042 United States
+ Google Map

    Event Details

  • County: Fairfax
  • Site Type: Run/Creek/Stream
  • Suitable for children under seven?: 1
  • Suitable for elderly?: 1
  • Is RSVP required?: 1
  • Who should participants contact for questions?: Joe Knecht
  • Site Leader Phone/Email: holmesrunorg@gmail.com
  • Notes: Volunteers will meet at 9:30am at the Jefferson District Park maintenance building (just downhill from the miniature golf and basketball courts). We will break up into groups and conduct cleanup in and along Holmes Run, the pedestrian trail, and around the pond. A separate group will meet upstream and work their way down from Shreve Road. In the event of light rain, the cleanup will continue; however, if there is dangerous weather or high water, the alternate date is Saturday, 25 April. Please wear appropriate attire: long pants, long sleeved shirts, and sturdy shoes that you don't mind getting dirty. Individuals will assess their level of comfort on the stream bank; all participants will work in pairs or groups. Safety is the priority. Please bring gloves, water, and appropriate tools: garden rakes or curved implements can be very helpful picking up litter and keeping you dry. The cleanup site leader will provide trash bags via the Ferguson Foundation. Thank you for your time and consideration!
  • Maximum Volunteers: 50
  • Directions: Jefferson District Park is located just inside 495 off of Lee Hwy; the address is: 7900 Lee Hwy, Falls Church, VA 22042 When entering the park, bear to the left and park in the lot adjacent to Lee Hwy and the basketball/tennis courts. We will meet at the turnaround in front of the maintenance area. If you arrive late, please head down to the stream and find the site leader to sign in.
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