Our Partners & Sponsors
Each year, the Alice Ferguson Foundation shares the wonder and excitement of its farm, along with the woodlands, wetlands, and waterways of the Potomac River Watershed with thousands of students, teachers, and citizens. By partnering with the Alice Ferguson Foundation, you are not only supporting our educational and outreach programs, but also touching the lives of thousands of community members who participate in our programs and our events.
Thank you to the Corporate Champions whose support makes our work possible.

Markon Solutions
Rodgers Consulting
A special thank you to our Partners in providing hands-on learning experiences in environmental education.

Charles County Charitable Trust
Charles County Public Schools
Chesapeake Bay Trust
Crescent City Charities
Hattie M. Strong Foundation
John E. and Jean R. Gosnell Foundation
Mary & Daniel Loughran Foundation
Maryland Agricultural Education Foundation
Maryland Department of Agriculture
Maryland Dept. of Housing & Community Development
Maryland State Department of Education
Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation
National Park Foundation
Nora Roberts Foundation
Piedmont Environmental and Education Foundation
Prince George’s County Office of the Executive
Prince George’s County Public Schools
Share Fund
Youth Learning as Citizen Environmental Sciences
To learn more about these exciting opportunities, contact Jon Pattee at development@fergusonfoundation.org. We are looking forward to a partnership with you and your company!