Written by Tori Bitner, Communications Coordinator
After a five-year hiatus, Spring Fest at Hard Bargain Farm returned on Saturday, May 13, 2023. More than 200 guests joined us in the great outdoors to celebrate spring, learn about our education programs, listen to sweet tunes of local musicians, purchase plants from our native plant sale and goodies from community vendors, and so much more. Not even the rain could ruin the fun!
Our Programs team set up a few of their most popular educational activities including Water Wigglers and Pollution Pandemonium. In Water Wigglers, guests took a close look at how clean our streams are by looking at the critters that live in them. These macroinvertebrates can be identified by using a dichotomous key and the species that are found can tell us a lot about the health of our local waterways. In Pollution Pandemonium, guests observed the way water moves over the land and identified sources of pollution using a watershed model. What fun ways to get connected to nature!
There were also some wildlife critters such as a worm snake, a box turtle, frog, and Bess beetles, to look at and hold.

in action – guests are identifying
sources of pollution.

macroinvertebrates in the
observation tank.

saw swimming in the observation

lives among tree bark.
We were delighted to have Charles County Commissioners Ralph Patterson, II (District 4) and Thomasina Coates (District 2) also stop by to check out the event. Both Commissioners are past student participants of our fifth grade overnight education experience.

Commissioner Coates.
Guests were serenaded by the live tunes of the Charles County Youth Orchestra, local musician Lynn Hollyfield, and local band Good Gravy. Musicians utilized our new pavilion space for the day’s entertainment.

talented musicians.

Artists and small businesses from the local community set up booths to promote their unique products and services.

to share a long-time family recipe
with festival guests.

delicious frozen treats from their
ice cream cart.

community vendors.

helping a child perfect their rowing

beautiful pottery pieces.

pouches, handbags, and more!
The Creative Critters from Charles County 4-H setup an activity that allowed kids to make Mother’s Day cards using painted celery to stamp paper, as well as face painting, temporary tattoos, and a fun farm themed photobooth.

Photo courtesy of
Creative Critters 4-H.

Photo courtesy of
Creative Critters 4-H.
Other activities included the native plant sale, meeting the barnyard animals, completing scavenger hunts, and enjoying the outdoors on our beautiful environmental campus. Kids even enjoyed playing and splashing puddles in the pouring rain.

The planning for next year’s Spring Fest is already underway. We can’t wait to share those details with you soon!
Special thanks to the individuals, businesses, and organizations who made our 2023 Spring Fest possible.
Partners & Vendors: Charles County Youth Orchestra, Lynn Hollyfield, Good Gravy, Accokeek Artists Alliance, Atlantic Kayak Company, Azure B Apiaries, Ed’s Plant World, Friends of the Accokeek Library, Prince George’s County Agriculture Extension, 4-H of Charles County, Brandywine Soap Garden, Ivy’s Peppa Sauce, Crone of Shards, BFabric Art, Send A Piece of Art, Psalm 46:5 Soaps, Bee’z Knees, Sammiches
Sponsors: APG Media/Southern Maryland News, Miller Farms, Faith2Felicity, Prince George’s County Farm Bureau, Inc., Washington Gas, Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission, Wegman’s – Woodmere, Weis Market, MGM National Harbor, MOM’s Organic Market, Eagle Hill Consulting